Lesson 4 – Analysis of Lab Results to Verify Network Interactions

Course: Biology, Genetics, Biotechnology, Environmental Science
Unit: Genetics and Heredity
See Standards Addressed for all NGSS and WA State (Science, Math and Literacy). In addition to the aligned objectives linked above, for this lesson, here is a breakdown of:
Scientists use computer programs and simulations to analyze networks because networks are often very complex.
One change in the environment could affect an entire cellular network due to the interdependent nature of networks.
A centrifuge separates a culture into a supernatant and pellet, which allows the phenotype of cells to be more easily viewed.
Qualitative measurement is a way of describing data with words, whereas quantitative measurement is a way of describing data with numbers.
Mutant strains, with known genotypes, are a useful tool when studying organisms.
Students use wild type and mutant strains of Halobacterium salinarum to investigate quantitatively and qualitatively.
Students use a centrifuge to spin down cells as a way to determine the phenotype of cells.
Students compare, contrast and critique divergent results from their investigations and discuss/identify possible errors/sources of variation.
Students use a simulation to verify and/or correct their network understanding.
Students plan the steps needed for scientists to determine and verify a question using systems methods.
Students analyze the role the environment has on gene expression. In this analysis, recognize the components, structure, and organization of systems and the interconnections within and among them.
Pacing Guide
Instructional Activities: (Approximately three 50-min periods)
Before beginning lesson:
c. Show the class the mutant pellets and this short (1/2 page) handout for Have students record the O.D. of their samples and spin down a pellet and record the color. (Depending on number of spectrophotometers and groups this may take a while. To keep the samples comparable, the entire classes’ experiments should all be removed from their heat source at nearly the same time. They can be left on the bench for up to 24 hours without much noticeable difference. If it will be any longer before they can take their O.D. the halobacteria need to be refrigerated to keep them from continuing to replicate.) Instructions: Help students gather the class data onto an excel spreadsheet. (There are multiple sheets for each template.) Have students decide what the best way is to present the data they have gathered as a class. c. Review the pictures from the introductory powerpoint: Environmental Influence on Gene Networks Introduction Student groups prepare a quick presentation of their findings and how they relate to the network they created (PowerPoint, brochure, document camera, oral presentation) include their data, class data, and the mutants. Each teacher can decide what format and how much time to spend on this part. Included is a sample of directions for a Powerpoint presentation. Halo Response to Environment PPT Format.doc & Halo Presentation Scoring Guide.doc Please help us to make improvements to this module. We would appreciate a few minutes of your time to take a short survey. TEACHER MODULE EVALUATION SURVEY and/or STUDENT MODULE EVALUATION SURVEY Students may have trouble deciphering the class data. Have students seminar in smaller groups before having a whole-class discussion. Students engage in a virtual lab experience involving transgenic flies. Focus is on experimental design and what scientist learn from mutation. Go tohttp://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/vlabs/transgenic_fly/index.html Short animations illustrating how gene expression results in phenotype changes. http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/evolution/animations.html Students use bioinformatics (CLUSTALW and BOXSHADE) to explore why humans do not produce vitamin C (as most mammals do). This three-part lesson series is called “Psuedogene Suite” and can be found here (the bioinformatics portion is in part 3): http://www.indiana.edu/~ensiweb/bioinfo.html1 Mutants PowerPoint(Lesson 4.ppt)
2 Collect Data from Student Experiments (This started in lesson 2)
3 Simulation: Purple Membrane (bacterioRhodopsin) Network Simulation Student Worksheet & Instructions and PM Simulation WS Answers
4 Compile Class Data
5 Analyze Class Data
6 Student Review Sheet Lab Review and Analysis & Lab Review and Analysis-Answers
7 Teacher prompts for discussions of information gathered from the network, the student experiments, and the mutants:
8 Presentation
Presentation of data