Lesson 2 – Exploring CO2 to Better Understand Ocean Acidification

Course: Life Science, Integrated Science, STEM, BioChem, Marine Science
Unit: Ocean Acidification, Ecology, Biogeochemical Cycling
See Standards Addressed for all NGSS, WA State (Science, Math and Literacy), and NOAA Ocean Literacy Education Standards Connections. In addition to the aligned objectives linked above, for this lesson, here is a breakdown of:
- CO2 is a common gas produced through cellular respiration, combustion and many chemical reactions.
- CO2 is a testable component in a very large system of many biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) components on land, in the air and in the water.
- CO2 is different than other relatively common gases - it is heavy and when it enters water it changes (a chemical reaction takes place).
- Students use inquiry to explore the properties of carbon dioxide.
- Students find that carbon dioxide is fairly easy to obtain, to experiment with and to measure.
The purpose of these preliminary experiments is for students to become familiar with carbon dioxide (CO2). In particular, these experiments aim to provide context for the role of carbon dioxide in global climate change and ocean acidification. Therefore, students should come away with an understanding of the natural and anthropogenic sources of CO2 as well as the interaction between carbon dioxide and water. These experiments are designed for small groups to rotate through different stations in a round robin set-up. Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas in the earth's atmosphere important to many biological processes. In the natural carbon dioxide cycle, the production and fixation processes for CO2 are in equilibrium. Prior to human interference, atmospheric CO2 levels maintained a fairly stable level of about 280 ppm (parts per million). However, since the Industrial Revolution, human activity has produced more CO2 than natural fixation processes are able to remove from the atmosphere. Thus, human activity has caused a net increase in CO2 levels. Since the 1800's the atmospheric carbon dioxide level has increased to about 400 ppm. The rate of this change is greater than ever before observed in history, as measured through methods such as ice core samples1. Throughout these lessons, we will discuss the effect of this increase, focusing specifically on the earth's oceans. There are two recommended options for Lesson 2. For either of these options, we recommend a couple of quick demonstrations to engage and remind students of what they know and what they have questions on. These two demonstrations should help students with two important concepts going into these lessons. For large classes, these labs can be set up in duplicate so that you have 8 stations set up in your lab. If you have space, specifically having multiple "Detecting CO2" stations will prevent any bottleneck. All needed materials are listed in the above 4 documents for this lab activity. In addition, here is a compiled list of materials for your convenience. Common Misconceptions - Students may think that a small change in pH is a small change overall. See below for a list of possible pH activities to help avoid this misconception. Also, a quick review on logarithms may be required to fully comprehend how an increase in CO2 emissions impacts pH. It is important for students to see that a change from pH 8.2 to 8.1 is a BIG deal. Here are some resources that we have found to be helpful for students completing this module: This lesson offers a good opportunity for scientific writing. Specifically, using a "Claim-Evidence-Reasoning" prompt leads to further scientific understanding as well as gains in thinking and writing skills. Claim-Evidence-Reasoning is the format for writing a scientific argument that is part of Common Core standards. Here are two examples for incorporating this format into this lesson: Have students make a claim about whether or not burning wax is a combustion reaction. Students should cite the evidence that supports their claim (for this example: mostly the BTB change and/or Vernier CO2 probes if you used them). Students should reason through why a color change in BTB indicated the presence of carbon dioxide. You can also have them make a claim for what was required for respiration (i.e., sugar or no sugar), using the same structure. The above labs offer many good ways to introduce writing scientific arguments. Feel free to adapt your prompts to fit the labs the students completed. (Please remove and replace any necessary text above that helps your students think of what they have completed as part of this module.) This lesson is written with multiple options for various student needs. Not all activities and worksheets need to be completed. Instead, look through the options above and match what is needed for your students. For instance, depending on your students' previous lab experience, using Option A or Option B above can help to build and/or extend your students' inquiry skills. Lesson 3 will build on the previous two lessons and will specifically introduce ocean acidification. However, depending on your students, and the amount of time you have in class, now might be a good time to walk students through this amazing three minute animation - Trends in Carbon Dioxide. We will introduce it in lesson 5b. However, depending on your students and their background, it may be useful at the end of this lesson and/or at the end of lesson 3. Here is another terrific animation by NOAA to show the scale of our CO2 emissions and the connectedness of our Earth's air, water and land. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute also has activities for students in Grades 5-12 to learn about the pH of the ocean. See here for a lesson on ocean acidification or view their website for more general information for K-12 teachers. There are more Carbon Cycle Resources posted in Lesson 5b and in Cool Finds and Resources. Many teachers more fully teach the carbon cycle once students have completed Lesson 5a and have their experiments up and running. Many teachers and scientists participated in the creation of these lessons and content. Please view the list of credits for this work. For this lesson, these additional references are specifically noteworthy: 1. Honish, et al. The Geological Record of Ocean Acidification, Science 2 March 2012; 1058-1063. DOI:10.1126/science.1208277 2. Visual pH scale and balloon drop demonstrations adapted from activities by Michael Walker at Olympic High School in Bremerton, WA.Instructional Activities
One to two 50-min periods, or one 90 min period